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Discipline Procedures


If a student(s) are/is misbehaving in a minor way I gently remind them of appropriate/expected behaviour by reminding them of our Class Charter which we review each morning. I also use a variety of other discipline methods. For example,  I use the 1,2, 3, Magic system. If a student is misbehaving to a more serious degree I warn them with a one, and give them 5 seconds if needed they get warned with a two and get five seconds if a three warning needs to be given then they will have a five minute time out at their desk and will work on a discipline worksheet. With the "Zones of Consequences" their picture image is moved from the "Green Zone" into the "Yellow Zone". Students are reminded to "Stay in the Green Zone " each day, and always start each day in the "Green Zone". Each subsequent warning results in an additional move into the next "Zone". Three strikes and they lose their Centres time in the afternoon. When they lose centres they are to sit at their desk with nothing to do – no drawing, no reading, no talking, and no playing – just sitting quietly. More severe problems such as hitting can be dealt with by the office or as a conversation with the parent(s) if you deem necessary. Another method I use is a reminder of the marble jar. The class as a whole must impress me with their behaviour in class and in the hallways in order to have a marble placed in the jar, once they have 10 marbles they earn an extra 20 minutes of centres time. Poor behaviour results in no marble gain.

I believe as a teacher it is not my duty to become each students "Best Friend" or "Favourite Teacher EVER" but rather I feel I have accomplished my job well if students say that I was, "strict but fair". By setting clear expectations and expecting students to follow rules and if not, then giving consequences without hesitation. I have found that students feel safer in class, feel cared for, and respond much better with strict guidelines of expectations and clear consequences. Using the above mentioned and the shown zones below tends to be successful most of the time in my classroom.

Don't join Sour Face Baby in the Penalty Box!

1st Warning

2nd Warning!

Loss of Centers Time

Stay in the Green Zone

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